Víctor Manuel Pérez Martínez

: 16 août 2018

A propos

Professor and researcher in the Faculty of Communication and Social Sciences. Main researcher of the group “Digital Culture: mediations and discourses”. Doctor in Information Sciences by Universidad de La Laguna (ULL, SP). Graduate in Social Communication, Audiovisual specialty, by Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB, VE). Major in Social Communication (UCAB) and Master in Social Communication in the area of Organizational Communication (UCAB). He has studied Master in Political Science in the Universidad Simón Bolívar (USB, VE).

Professor in the subjects: Cyberjournalism, Digital Communication, Ethics and Deontology, Documentation, Design and Development in CIT environments and materials. Currently he is Vice-Dean of research in the Faculty of Communication and Social Sciences of the USJ. He was Vice-Dean of online education; Vice-Dean of alumni (2012-2013). Professor in Postgraduate Studies, Graduate Studies and specialized courses.

He has worked professionally as correspondent of Radio Vaticano, assistant to the department of Projects and Communication of the Civil Association “Fe y Alegría”, director of the Department of Social Communication and executive secretary of the Episcopalian Commission of Social Communication of the Venezuelan Episcopalian Conference. He has collaborated in the following Radio stations: Radio Nacional de Venezuela, Radio Fe y Alegría, Radio 6 Tenerife. In this research activity, we must highlight the publication of articles in specialized academic journals and some of his publications such as Actividades docentes en Moodle (2012), El ciberespacio: la nueva ágora (2009), ¿Cuándo aprenderemos a ser hermanos? (2004) awarded with the Trípode award. He was main researcher of the research group Cyberspace Working Group-GIEC (acknowledged as emergent by the Government of Aragon) and collaborator with the “Laboratory of information technologies and new analysis of social communication” (Latina) .

Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Héritage culturel
 Film et média

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