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Founded in 2009, INNETICA is a non-profit association (NGO) whose mission is to promote cooperation between entities across Europe to promote European values in accordance with Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union.
Its mission is to promote social innovation projects, in addition to developing educational projects and teaching activities.
INNETICA has among its aims to promote sustainable development through initiatives aimed at protecting the environment.
INNETICA associates university entities, public bodies, companies, training centres, as well as intellectuals, professionals, and volunteers who contribute their ideas and experiences for the change and improvement of European societies.
We are following all these Calls through which we can help improve European Society by making a great present and a better future. In particular: Erasmus+, Horizon2020, Creative Europe, ... but we're open to other Calls where we can collaborate with you.
Mots clés et domaine d'activité:
Accédez au prémier réseau pour la cooperation européenne
Se connecter
Créer un compte
Pour accéder à toutes les informations disponibles
Égalité des sexes
Jeunes travailleurs
Héritage culturel
Europe créative
Horizon Europe
il y a 6 ans
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