University of Sarajevo, Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
31 mai 2019
Recherche partenariat En recherche de financements
A propos
Our institute is a publich research institution engaged with HE system. We are interested in basic and applied biotechnology projects development in the area of molecular genetics, genetic engineering and biotechnology for application in #medicine, #public health, #agriculture, #fisheries, #food biosafety, #biosecurity,
Mots clés et domaine d'activité:
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Idées proposées
Development of kit for fast and reliable molecular screening for prostate cancer from urine
Innovation & Recherche
Technologie mobile
Enseignement supérieur
Essais cliniques
We have identified reliable RNA marker from urine to be used in non-invasive screening for prostate cancer. This method is a low cost and precise medical alternative to biopsy for fast and timely triage of patients suspected for prostate cancer.
Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina
il y a 5 ans
il y a 5 ans
Utilization of genetic biodiversity knowledge in industry, conservation and strategic planning
Pêche et alimentation
Ressources naturelles
Apprentissage des adultes
Enseignement supérieur
We seek for univeristies, individual scientists, research labs, upscaling facilities and industry partners engaged with similar topics
Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina
il y a 5 ans
il y a 5 ans
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