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Tuğba Bozdağ- Kahramanmaras Metropolitan Municipality
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I'am an project expert from Kahramanmaraş Metropolitan Municipality (KMM). The province of Kahramanmaraş is located inside the borders of Mediterranean Region, the city lies on a plain at the foot of theTaurus Mountains and has a population of
The city has an important role in metal utensils, ice cream production, textile, agriculture (fruit and vegetable), paper manufacture, food and shoe making sectors, jewelry and handicrafts. KMM is the local public institution and areas of responsibility include social services (elderlychildren, children, young people with disabilities), energy, transportation, public transport, vocational training, tourism, environmental protection, reconstruction, youth and sports activities.
Mots clés et domaine d'activité:
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Sciences du climat
il y a 2 ans
Call for Proposal for Common Cultural Heritage: Preservation and dialogue between Turkey and the EU–II
Autorité publique locale
Industries créatives
Héritage culturel
Gestion culturelle
Culture et développement
Culture numérique
Film et média
Production vidéo
il y a 4 ans
Supporting Civil Society Dialogue Between EU and Turkey Grant Scheme (CSD-VI)
Autorité publique locale
Services volontaires européens
Union européenne
il y a 5 ans
Renforcement des compétences
Innovation sociale
Union européenne
il y a 5 ans
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