14 juil. 2022
Recherche partenariat En recherche de financements
A propos
SYNERGY EUROPEAN is a smart and flexible firm, specialising in EU & International Grants Funding, Project Development, Project Management, Strategy & Policy Making Consulting, Culture & Creativity, Business Development & Communication.
We cover every phase of EU projects, from idea development and submission, to implementation, monitoring and reporting.
We support Organisations and Authorities to design innovative policies and strategies and to conduct sectoral analysis and research surveys.
We assist individuals and teams to develop creative thinking, recognise opportunities, design new products or services and generate value.
Secteurs d'expertise:
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Idées proposées
Entrepreneuriat et PME
Transfert de technologie
Gestion d'entreprise
Green Deal
At Synergy European Consulting, we are currently developing a new project proposal, to be submitted in the upcoming ERASMUS+ call in October, and we are looking for the last partners to join our consortium.
The project aims to empower young digital nomads and remote professionals (aged 18-30) by providing them with the tools, res...
Patras, Greece
il y a 4 mois
il y a 4 mois
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