Statiunea de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Pomicultura Baneasa - Bucuresti

: 18 juin 2020

Recherche partenariat En recherche d'un consultant
A propos


RSFG Băneasa - Research and Development Station for Fruit Tree Growing Băneasa, Bucharest Romania, is a public institution subordinated to the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences "Gheorghe Ionescu-Şişeşti" (A.A.F.S.)- the national scientific body in the field of agriculture, veterinary medicine, food industry, forestry, and environment, and coordinated by Maracineni Fruit Tree Growing Research and Development Institute, Arges. RSFG Băneasa, established in 1977 under the Ministry of Agriculture and affiliated with the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences "Gheorghe Ionescu-Şişeşti", focuses on fruit tree and shrub research in southern Romania. The station conducts research on breeding, nursery-rootstock development, and innovative orchard technologies such as advanced irrigation and plant protection methods.

Scientific findings are disseminated to farmers in Ilfov, Ialomița, Teleorman, Giurgiu, Călărași, Mehedinți, Dolj, and Prahova counties. RSFG Băneasa collaborates extensively with farmers, prioritizing solutions to their practical challenges and transferring knowledge for their benefit.

RSFG Băneasa isn't just a research station, it's a hub for innovation in fruit cultivation, delving deep into scientific inquiry, developing new varieties and best practices for orchards.

But RSFG Băneasa's reach extends beyond their own fields, actively partnering with universities, businesses, and government agencies, both in Romania and abroad. This collaborative spirit fosters a vibrant exchange of knowledge, ensuring their research stays on the cutting edge.  The station doesn't limit itself to pure research; they translate their discoveries into action. Through consulting and commercial services, RSFG Băneasa directly supports fruit growers in the region.  We empower these farmers with the latest advancements, helping them cultivate high-quality fruits and navigate the complexities of the market. In short, RSFG Băneasa is a driving force behind the success of regional fruit production, fostering a fruitful (pun intended) collaboration between science and agriculture.


The administrative headquarters of RSFG Băneasa is located in Bucharest (District 1), Romania.

In Bucharest, there are also located the research laboratories, and the plots are cultivated with apricot, cherry, apple and nursery plantations.

The primary research, development, and innovation activities are conducted at two research facilities located in Bucharest and Ilfov County, respectively.

The principal strategic research directions of the Research Station focus on fruit trees and fruit-bearing shrubs within the broader context of contemporary agricultural development trends. These include precision agriculture (Agriculture 4.0), hortivoltaics/agriphotovoltaics, smart irrigation, food traceability, IoT, robotics, bioeconomy, biodiversity protection, circular agriculture, and organic farming practices.


The research objectives pertain to the structure of SCDP Băneasa's laboratories, which promote a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach centered around three key themes: breeding, cultivation, and innovation.

  • The Laboratory for Breeding of Fruit Trees, Shrubs, and Strawberries emphasizes innovative management of genetic resources and breeding techniques aimed at developing versatile and productive high-quality genotypes. These efforts target stress tolerance and minimal input requirements, ultimately meeting market demand for sought-after products. Within its experimental base, the laboratory maintains collections of apricot, peach, and nectarine varieties and hybrids essential for genetic resource preservation and species improvement
  • The Laboratory for Agrotechnics and Plant Protection holds the experimental plots subject of research activities on modern technologies and techniques for growing fruit trees and shrubs as well as strawberries. In total, the research plot area covers approximately 10 hectares and includes multiple species: apricot, peach, nectarine, almond, strawberry, white and red currant, aronia, raspberry, blackberry, fig, medlar, Chinese jujube, cherry, plum and mulberry. The studies being aimed at identifying and promoting the best cultivation technologies, respectively planting densities as well as management in terms of maintenance work, application of plant protection treatments, pruning, etc.
  • The Laboratory for Research and Innovation in Organic Fruit Growing focuses on the adoption and advancement of digital technologies in agriculture, including artificial intelligence, robotics, Internet of Things (IoT), precision irrigation, disease and pest monitoring, and yield forecasting.

In organic fruit growing research, the laboratory oversees a certified organic plot with fruit trees and shrubs dedicated to studying organic methods. The innovation component includes pilot projects such as Hortivoltaics, sensor technologies, and advanced equipment for orchard management.


Noteworthy RSFG Băneasa's innovation projects include Robo Fermier, Hortivoltaics, drones for orchard operations, Oz Robot for fruit tree nurseries, and Bio-Arca initiatives.

Besides the research activity, the development sector - as main beneficiary of research results - finances by own resources research themes and technological sequences such as:

  • introduction of new registered and patented varieties in pilot plots; phytosanitary protection integrated/organic system, monitoring and warning about phytosanitary treatments;
  • monitoring nourishment and fertilization in ecological system of fruit trees and fruit-bearing shrubs, monitoring soil quality;
  • study and applications of weed control methods.


RSFG Băneasa is seeking partners in research, production, and innovation focused on fruit trees and shrubs to develop joint projects aligned with the EU's Green Deal, Biodiversity, and Bioeconomy strategies.

If you share our commitment to a sustainable future for fruit production, contact us:


Bd. Ion Ionescu de la Brad, no.4, district 1, Bucharest, Romania

Tel. +4021.2330613



Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Agriculture sociale
 Intelligence artificielle

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