Gianluca Dova
1 févr. 2024
Recherche partenariat
A propos
I work in eu projects with my company Diegomat Srl and ICT Lab from Italy. We are working at the second call for Interreg Danube promoting our project.
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Idées proposées
Culture numérique
Europe créative
Horizon Europe
Unveiling the Hidden Brutalist Cultural Heritage in the Danube Region
The 607080 Danube Brutalist Platform aims to explore, document, and promote the hidden Brutalist cultural heritage along the Danube River (remote, rural places along the Danube river). Through innovative strategies and the establishment of a Cultural BrutMap Platform, this project seeks to make the invisible vi...
Popesti-Leordeni, Romania
il y a 11 mois
il y a 11 mois
Culture numérique
Europe créative
Horizon Europe
In recent decades, the intricate relationship among trade policies, climate, land use and environmental pollution has become a focal point of scholarly inquiry, driven by the urgent need to comprehend the sustainability challenges faced by regions undergoing economic development. This project delves into this complex interplay by conducting a comprehensive study on the impact of trade policies ...
Popesti-Leordeni, Romania
il y a 11 mois
il y a 11 mois
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