Sinloc S.p.a

: 10 oct. 2018

Recherche partenariat En recherche de financements
A propos

Founded in 1981, SINLOC is an Italian leading company of the market located in Padua (north-east of Italy) for local development initiatives, operating both as economic, procedural and financial advisor, and as equity investor in PPP initiatives with a particular emphasis on social, economic and financial sustainability of projects.

Sinloc has gained long-standing experiences in the framework of ELENA Programme and Jessica Funds. Since few years Sinloc has bringing its competences and skills in the framewor of  European projects funded by IEE, Horizon 2020 and Interreg

SINLOC is owned by ten of the most important Italian banking foundations and has minority and majority shareholdings in special purpose vehicles, regional development banks, asset management companies and engineering companies focused on local development.

In particular, Sinloc carries out:

  • Advisory activities: Sinloc operates as a strategic, economic and financial advisor, supporting decisions of Local Administrations, Institutions, Banking Foundations, private companies
  • Management company activities: Sinloc operates as a Management Company and/or a Technical Advisor of investment vehicles and provides activities such as investment strategy definition, project scouting, investment structuring, financial closing and monitoring


Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Ressources naturelles
 Développement durable
 Protection environnementale
 Tourisme durable
 Héritage culturel

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