Science innovation
19 mars 2016
A propos
'EuroMed conseils-RDI', has been recently founded. This Agency is intérested in european and mediterranean programmes evaluation, helping scientists and SMEs and sturt-up networking and development and projets coordination.
WE are open to all kinds of partnerships and collaboration with other euro mediterranean agences, institutions, research centres in order to support international and EuroMed coopération and science and technology development.
Secteurs d'expertise:
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Idées proposées
Santé et bien-être des animaux
Ressources génétiques
Entreprises et industrie
Entrepreneuriat et PME
Transfert de technologie
Audits et Contrôles
Culture et développement
Technology transfert, intellectual property, sustainable dévelopment, international cooperation, project evaluation
France, tunisia
il y a 8 ans
il y a 8 ans
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