Ronaldo C Santarem

: 11 juil. 2020

A propos

The UTC America Latina, based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is part of the Utilities Technology Council, which was founded in 1948 and promotes the telecom and information technology interests of electric, gas and water utilities and other critical infrastructure ; Headquartered in Washington, DC, UTC is a global trade association with operating units in Canada, Europe, and Africa, as well as South and Central America. UTC provides advocacy, education, and professional networking for its members ; It advocates for policies – including spectrum access – that protect and promote critical infrastructure communications systems that utilities use to monitor and control the safe, effective and secure delivery of essential energy and water services to the public at large.

Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Coopération internationale

Idées proposées
Pas d'idées
Appels à projets suivis
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