Research and Education in Social Empowerment and Transformation-RESET
Recherche partenariat En recherche de financements
RESET aims to promote a fair and non-violent world through education, youth-led initiatives, open dialogue, skill development, community-led change and digital innovation for the promotion of social empowerment and transformation.
- Writing and Implementation of European-funded projects
- National & European Awareness-Raising Campaigns
- Open Dialogue Workshops
- National and International Partnerships
- Research & Consultation
- Impact Research Analysis
- Development & Implementation of Educational programmes for adults, young people, professionals, migrants & vulnerable groups
- Methodology development for Youth-Led Community Action
- Open Dialogue Workshops for Social Transformation
- Consultations for the prevention of Youth Radicalisation
- Migrant Integration
- Education for the prevention of Addiction (cyber, gambling, drugs & alcohol)
- Customised Training (online, face-to-face & hybrid)
PROtection and SECUrity for places of Worship — PROSECUW’ (ISFP-2020-AG-PROTECT)
Culture and Art for Restorative Justice- CA4RJ (Erasmus+)
Self-MAnagement, entrepreneurship & individual Responsibility - SMART (Erasmus+)
Learning to effectively engage and coach Volunteers among youngsters- VOLUME (Erasmus+)
Digital HEalth liteRacy Education for vulnerable groups-iHERE (Erasmus+)
Awareness and Capacity building for ChangEs in policy SchemeS for disability towards incLusive societies-ACCESS4All (Erasmus+)
Young Cities- Empowering Youth to become active change-makers in their communities (National-funded project)
Mots clés et domaine d'activité:
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Innovation sociale
Jeunes travailleurs
Éducation artistique
il y a 3 ans
Interested in a Partnership (Research and Education in Social Empowerment and ...)
Institut de recherche
Renforcement des compétences
Affaires sociales et inclusion
Fonds Asile, Migration et Intégration (AMIF)
Éducation et formation
Apprentissage des adultes
Apprentissage tout au long de la vie
Jeunes travailleurs
Europe créative
Migrants et Réfugiés
il y a 3 ans
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