Research and Education in Social Empowerment and Transformation-RESET

: 5 nov. 2021

Recherche partenariat En recherche de financements
A propos


RESET aims to promote a fair and non-violent world through education, youth-led initiatives, open dialogue, skill development, community-led change and digital innovation for the promotion of social empowerment and transformation.


  • Writing and Implementation of European-funded projects
  • National & European Awareness-Raising Campaigns
  • Open Dialogue Workshops
  • National and International Partnerships



  • Research & Consultation
  • Impact Research Analysis
  • Development & Implementation of Educational programmes for adults, young people, professionals, migrants & vulnerable groups
  • Methodology development for Youth-Led Community Action
  • Open Dialogue Workshops for Social Transformation
  • Consultations for the prevention of Youth Radicalisation
  • Migrant Integration
  • Education for the prevention of Addiction (cyber, gambling, drugs & alcohol)
  • Customised Training (online, face-to-face & hybrid)



PROtection and SECUrity for places of Worship — PROSECUW’ (ISFP-2020-AG-PROTECT) 

Culture and Art for Restorative Justice- CA4RJ (Erasmus+) 

Self-MAnagement, entrepreneurship & individual Responsibility - SMART (Erasmus+) 

Learning to effectively engage and coach Volunteers among youngsters- VOLUME (Erasmus+) 

Digital HEalth liteRacy Education for vulnerable groups-iHERE (Erasmus+) 

Awareness and Capacity building for ChangEs in policy SchemeS for disability towards incLusive societies-ACCESS4All (Erasmus+) 

Young Cities- Empowering Youth to become active change-makers in their communities (National-funded project)



Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Innovation sociale
 Jeunes travailleurs
 Éducation artistique

Idées proposées

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