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REinforcement of Developing Initiatives in Rural Environment (REDIRE)
Recherche partenariat En recherche de financements
REDIRE is a Rwanda organization based and working in Nyamasheke district with the focus on developing innovative strategies for Rural communities, youth and young women involvement and participation.
REDIRE Organization is working to establish an expansive network of youth and young women groups, cooperatives, clubs and associations. It has realized various formal and informal trainings and workshops besides establishing an alliance of stakeholders who work with and for the youth : Nyamasheke district, Ministry of youth among others. The Organization also plan to works with schools in different parts of the district on food security, violence against women and girls issues and Environment protection, it has supported 3 groups includes a young mothers groups setup an income generating activity which include vegetables farming and duck keeping. The organization is working to develop concepts of youth / young women and community engagement, in order to develop financial systems that will support youth / young women's projects to meet their development needs.
Mots clés et domaine d'activité:
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Développement rural
Renforcement des compétences
Soins de santé
Protection environnementale
Égalité des sexes
Mobilité des jeunes
Culture et développement
Droits de l'homme
il y a 5 ans
Développement rural
Transfert de technologie
Énergie renouvelable
Soins de santé
Protection environnementale
Innovation & Recherche
Tourisme durable
Mobilité des jeunes
Culture et développement
Droits de l'homme
il y a 5 ans
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