Purev Narantsetseg (PN), expert registered in UNECE Roster of PPP specialistserts

: 6 juin 2016

A propos

I am owner and advisor of the PN Advising and Analysis and expert listed at the UNECE PPP Roster of experts.

I operates as Management Advisor more than 20 years with experience in field of Business Development; Mining and Transit Transportation Policy; Law & Regulatory Analysis; Educational Reform, Reconstruction, Privatization Policy and Results; Competitiveness; Management; Human Resource Management; Strategic Management; Business Strategy; Business Communication; Business Ethics; International Management; Public Private Partnerships.

I have the teaching experiences on courses such as Basic Management; Human Resource Management; International Management; Business Communication, Business Ethics and Strategic Mangement.

I am author of research articles, case studies and books such as Mongolian Management, Business Ethics, Mongolian Patterns and Features of Management, HRM, International Management and Managerial Economics&Business ;


Secteurs d'expertise:

 Entreprises et industrie
 Entrepreneuriat et PME
 Développement et coopération
 Innovation & Recherche
 Enseignement supérieur
 Droit commercial
 Évaluation des politiques et gouvernance

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