Progress Foundation

: 1 août 2016

Recherche partenariat
A propos

Established in 1996 in Bistrita, we are an experienced Romanian NGO that pilots local initiatives in the field of education/training, (e-)inclusion and community development and then scales it up, at national level, as innovative and impactful best practices, using county and local libraries (as lifelong learning hubs and social innovation centers) to reach out to virtually any social group and/or citizen, especially to the most marginalized ones.

Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Renforcement des compétences
 Innovation sociale
 Apprentissage des adultes
 Héritage culturel
 Culture numérique
 Gestion de la relation
 Rédaction d'article
 Sociologie et recherche économique
 IT pour le patrimoine

Idées proposées

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