Paolo Melgari
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I’m an enthusiastic Materials Scientist focusing on Thin Films Applications for Energy Harvesting & Storage devices as well as Optoelectronics.
Being proud of over ten-year experience in the manufacture / scale-up and characterisation of Electronic Devices; I have been scouting new business opportunities, initiated and progressed collaborations as well as commercial projects. Furthermore, I still enjoy the time spent on technical work and the reward of leading projects.
My entrepreneurial side has been driving me to apply scientific knowledge and experience to identify new applications and opportunities. Indeed, I initiate new academic / industry collaborations, I have applied for several state grants and I have been awarded multiple European and UK funds. I collaborate closely with Business Account Managers to secure new fruitful commercial contracts. As technical leader on several development programs, I enjoy steering the scientific and engineering approach to make the most of recent discoveries and development results.
Materials manufacture, interfaces engineering and overall device optimisation are my focus.
I’m currently developing processes to industrialise the next generations Li-based batteries and photovoltaics (PV). I’m also working on fuel cells and organic light-emoting diodes (OLED).
In the early the career stage, I applied my background in synthetic organometallic chemistry to initiate a new in Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) method which was demonstrated up to medium Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and I contributed to scale-up to the industry later.
I have been using Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD), Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD) and Thermal Evaporation (TE) in combination with Printing and other Additive Manufacturing technologies to advance the TRL from low (3) to ready-for-industry of Electronic Devices made Sheet-to-Sheet (S-2-S) and Roll-to-Roll (R-2-R).
I have made the most of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) aside with other techniques to characterise and optimise electronic devices thin films and layers interfaces.
I have been taking advantage of Surface Analysis such as Ellipsometry, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) & white-light interferometry, X-Ray diffraction and reflection (XRD and XRR) as well as Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) to fully characterise produced materials.