OpenMed assembles a group of professionals and people with years of experience in the field of cooperation with a strong belief in the potentialities and added values of cooperation and exchange processes among organizations, institutions and people of the Mediterranean boosting different cultures, habits and backgrounds.
The philosophy of OpenMed looks positively at new challenges like globalization and a growing “melting-pot” society where people are more and more encouraged to interact with new communities, environments, cultures, habits and identities.
In the “new world” we are leaving and which we are experiencing day by day it becomes clear that cooperation among countries and populations is crucial and has to be considered a real opportunity whose potentials need to be better and further exploited and developed.
In this sense OpenMed operates to strongly promote integration and exchange occasions through the implementation of a vast range of cooperation projects and initiatives in particular among Mediterranean countries. Our vision about the cooperation concept is described at three levels:
- cross-border level, supporting the development of economic and social activities among geographic neighbours;
- transnational level mainly supporting technological innovation, environment, risk prevention, mobility and sustainable urban development;
- interregional level, working on innovation and knowledge-based economy on one side and environment and risk prevention on the other.
The location of the OpenMed Association encourages cooperation being the lucky island Sardinia in the middle of the Mediterranean, in a strategic position representing a bridge between the north and south shores of the Mediterranean and contributing to the opening of relations and the construction of collaboration networks among partners of different countries.
Starting from these assumptions, the aim of the Association is to create, in each of the thematic areas of intervention, communities of potential partners who can talk through various interactive tools ( OpenMedPro) and share specific information functional to operational planning and subsequent implementation of joint project ideas funded in particular by European programmes like the new ENI CBC MED, Interreg MED, Interreg Italy-France Maritime, and others.