Olivia H
22 août 2024
Recherche partenariat En recherche de financements
A propos
I am with VIELCA Ingenieros S.A. based in Valencia, Spain. We have previous experience within EU HORIZON project SMARTLAGOON as a project partner. We are interested in becoming project partners, or coordinators for projects within the Climate, Nature/Environment, Energy, Smart Cities, or general Engineering sectors. We are an SME, engineering and environmental business, with expertise across hydrology and hydraulics, structural engineering, industrial engineering, environmental and forestry, architecture and urban planning, transportation and roading, R+D+i and project management.
Mots clés et domaine d'activité:
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Idées proposées
Villes intelligentes
Technologie de construction
Gestion des ressources en eau
Génie civil
Union européenne
Gestion de projets internationaux
Ingénieur industriel
Internet des objets (IoT)
We currently have two draft project ideas that need further development and are looking for research organisations experienced in hydrology / hydraulics, computer science, IoT and environmental sensing
Valencia, Spain
il y a 6 mois
il y a 6 mois
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