Luminita Moraru
Recherche partenariat
My area of interest is focused primarily on the medical imaging and on the development and use of signal/imaging processing aspects associated with heart, breast, liver, kidney thyroid and brain imaging. I and my research group are currently employing our expertise in the development and validation of CAD (Computer Aided Diagnosis) systems to process digital images. By using these CAD systems we are going to develop a gold standard to classify tissues as normal or abnormal and differentiate between various diseases during the analysis of these images. We have started to create a foundation to develop a new conception and new tools of computer modelling and visualization for current and future applications in electronic health record system.
Currently, I am devoted to Diffusion Tensor Imaging DTI research as a tool to extend the focus beyond the evaluation of the microstructure of the brain. Also, I intend to expand my research by addressing to Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging as a tool able to capture the nongaussian diffusion behaviour. DKI can act as a marker for tissue heterogeneity.
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