Les Cultures Onlus

: 25 nov. 2019

Recherche partenariat
A propos

Les Cultures Onlus is an association founded in 1993 with the aim of promoting intercultural activities to break down prejudices and stereotypes. Les Cultures has consolidated its intervention areas, both through the promotion of supportive social actions in Italy and abroad, and through the implementation of activities aimed at raising awareness of the importance of diversity and inclusion. The association carries out projects aimed at  the inclusion of migrants and defending their rights in schools and institutions in Italy . Abroad, Les Cultures works in Niger, Ghana and the Ukraine.

Migrants’ rights and inclusion: we work in schools in the province of Lecco with language facilitations and cultural mediation projects for migrant children. We also offer specific education and training for teachers. We organize Italian courses for adult migrants and we offer free legal support on all legal aspects of immigration.

International cooperation: we work with the Tuareg population in Niger in the fields of healthcare, education and environmental protection, and in the Ukraine with long distance support for minors living in the Chernobyl region. We have been working in those areas since the mid ‘90s, on a long-term cooperation with local partners. Since 2018 we have been working in Ghana for the empowerment of women through training and microcredit. We  have choosen to work with local partners rather than expatriate staff in order to improve local knowledge and skills as a key for effective development.

Cultural activities: we realize different cultural activities, promoting inclusion, tolerance and cultural diversity. We publish  photobooks on travel and cultures, every year we organized a festival  ( ) and we promote workshops, training courses and other cultural events.

Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Développement et coopération
 Fonds Asile, Migration et Intégration (AMIF)
 Aide aux réfugiés
 Éducation artistique
 Programme Droits, Égalité et Citoyenneté
 Droit de l'immigration
 Migrants et Réfugiés
 Droits de l'homme

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