Lecturer Dr Liviu Vladutu

: 7 avr. 2016

A propos

I have a BSc in Computer Science (in Romania) with Honors. I have completed a MSc and PhD in Greece in 2000 and 2004 with Universities of Athens and Patras. I've obtained an extensive research experience as a postdoctoral researcher in Medical University of South Carolina (2004-2005), USA and  Dublin City University, Ireland (2005-2009 ) as SFI (Science Foundation of Ireland) distinguished postdoctoral researcher. Since 2012 I am with the AI-MAS (Artificial Intelligence and Multi-Agent Systems) group from the Faculty of Automation and Computer Science of Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania. I am an IEEE member for 16 years and International Committee  Member for more than 20 International Conferences organized in Europe, Canada or Asia. I have done reviews for many journals published by IEEE, Elsevier ...

Secteurs d'expertise:

 Développement et coopération
 Sciences Biologiques

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