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Kossi Atsou-Dzini
9 juin 2016
A propos
Kossi Atsou-Dzini has an expertise in corporate finance, management, public finance, international finance, money and banking, and debt with several years experience at the Central Bank of West African States and the International Monetary Fund. Integrated the private sector and NGO some five years ago motivated by the challenges to help private companies and deprived people to better participate in the production and income generating activities.
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Idées proposées
Sécurité alimentaire
Protection environnementale
The objective of this paper is to question the rapidly growing motorcycles parks in Africa and their environmental sustainability, and discuss a number of mitigating policies. The first section presents the recent developments on motorcycle means of transport. The second section deals with the sustainability challenges that they pose and the third section suggests a number of policy actions. Th...
il y a 8 ans
il y a 8 ans
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