Katarzyna Dziewanowska
20 déc. 2019
Recherche partenariat
A propos
Output Culture heritage sites restored and revitalised
The city of Słupsk is looking for Project Partner from Norway, Lichtenstein or Iceland interested in collaboration on The Culture Programme partnership project aimed at cultural heritage sites(listed on Register of Provincial Monument Protection Inspector) restoration and revilatization. The project must contain obligatory soft and hard measures and also may contain non-obligatory soft measures.
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Idées proposées
Developing sustainable transport strategies, including electromobility-Visegrad Grants
Autorité publique locale
Coopération internationale
Transport durable
Coopération transnationale
Relations internationales
The City of Słupsk, Poland is a local government unit with its own budget, it also has the necessary human resources (departments of fund management and transport policy, financial department).We are constantly cooperating with twelve partner cities, with which were signed Partnership and Cooperation Agreements. The City has carried 4 international interreg- funded projects. Three of them took ...
Slupsk, Poland
il y a 4 ans
il y a 4 ans
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