Developing sustainable transport strategies, including electromobility-Visegrad Grants

il y a 4 ans

Katarzyna Dziewanowska

Autorité publique locale


Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

En recherche d'un consultant

The City of Słupsk, Poland is a local government unit with its own budget, it also has the necessary human resources (departments of fund management and transport policy, financial department).We are constantly cooperating with twelve partner cities, with which were signed Partnership and Cooperation Agreements. The City has carried 4 international interreg- funded projects. Three of them took place 10 years ago but one project is currently being implemented- CoBiuM- Cargo Bikes in urban moblity".

The city of Słupsk is looking for Project Partner from Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary interested in collaboration on Visegrad Grants or Visegrad + Grants partnership project aimed at developing sustainable transport strategies, including electromobility. The project focuses primarly on soft activities, but you can also fund an external expertise.

The City of Słupsk expects the realization of the project will enable the implementation and promotion of sustainable forms of transport, as an alternative to car transport, and to support the development of green attitudes and the dissemination of such ventures. The future project will offer innovative and sustainable solutions, encouraging other cities/ countries under to use them.

Project financing:

  • grant rate from the Programme is up to 100 % of the project’s eligible costs,

  • an average project value is between - Euros

  • Maximum time frame for Visegrad Grants and Visegrad + is 18 months

Types of Partners:

  • Consortium of organizations of which 3 or more are based in different Visegrad countries

  • All types of non-governmental, civil society organizations (CSOs); municipalities and local governments; schools, higher education institutions; research and scientific bodies and public institutions are eligible as lead partner (applicant) and partners in the consortia

  • Market actors, : private entrepreneurs, companies – especially innovation and startup-related actors – with a legal entity are also eligible, but only if their Visegrad project is of nonprofit character.


 Coopération internationale
 Transport durable
 Coopération transnationale
 Relations internationales

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