
: 12 déc. 2017

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A propos



Name: Vox Civica

Profile: NGO

Fiscal code: 27347223

Legal address: Str. Răchitei nr. 3 bis, Municipiul Buzău, Romania, cod postal 120163



Phone: +



PIC: 949120751


Legal representative: Mr Claudiu CĂLIN

Position: Chairman


Phone: +


Contact person: Mr Iosif CĂLIN

Position: Secretary of the Board


Phone: +


Legal status

Vox Civica Association is a NGO, Romanian legal entity of private law, non-profit, non-governmental, apolitical, independent and public interest, established in 2010, based on GEO no. 26/2000, having as founding members people from Buzau municipality.



Vox Civic Association aims to advocate for:

- Supporting sustainable development of disadvantaged communities, especially those of national minorities at county, national and European level;

- Supporting the personal development of the young persons belonging to vulnerable groups in general, able to provide conditions for asserting their own ideals, values ​​and aspirations;

- Promoting and fostering tolerance, multiculturalism and diversity in multiethnic communities;

- Combating ethnic discrimination and the fight for human rights.


Principles and values

In carrying out its work, our organization is based on the principles of tolerance, multiculturalism, non-discrimination, respect, fairness, principled, accountability, legality, transparency, competence, professionalism, efficiency, solidarity, volunteering, advocating, also, for promoting the values ​​universally recognized as freedom, dignity, equality.


Office and facilities

The head office is located in Buzau, str. Răchitei no. 3 Bis, ZIP code 120163, with an area of ​​about 25 square meters, in bailment, having all utilities necessary for proper functioning. The office has two rooms with necessary furniture and informatic equipment  such as: two computers, a laptop, a multifunctional, a projector screen, a camera and video, flipchart etc.).



At this moment, we have three employees, with work partially time contracts, according the Romanian law, for who we pay all legal fees and taxes.

We have also, six voluntaries young people with who we work regularly, with volunteering contracts and, other five - six voluntary people with who we work occasionaly.

Concerning the key staff of the organization we must mention Mr Iosif CĂLIN, the Secretary of the Board of the association,  who was involved in the vulnerable groups issues since 2001. Then,  he gave up to his teacher activity and became advisor of the Prefect for minorities and vulnerable groups issues (the Prefect is the representative of the Government in the territory). Since then all his activity has been dedicated to solving such issues in the most vulnerable groups all over Buzău county.

He has a big expertize on vulnerable groups issues and in project management, being coordinator of more than 20 projects, since 2001. Since 2013, together with Vox Civica, is involved especially in European projects within GRUNDTVIG, Leonardo da Vinci, Youth in Action, and recentlly, in Erasmus+.

More about our staff you can find on our website, following the link


Own and attracted resources

The association has two employees with the status of permanent employees and many volunteers, but especially young people in their final years of high school, unemployed and even employees. In terms of its own financing sources, our organization relies on its own resources founding members and small sponsorships and contributions from members and supporters.

Most of the organization's resources are resources provided by various donors, public or private, Romanian or international as well as the Buzau County Council, Buzau Municipality Local Council, National Agency for Minorities, Roma Education Fund, Open Society Institute, Norway and EEA Grants European Commission (Erasmus +, DG Justice, etc.), the European funds allocated to Romania.



In fulfilling its mission the organization has partnered with a number of public authorities and institutions and non-governmental and international organizations, such as:

- Buzău County Council, Buzau Municipality Local Council, National Agency for Minorities, the Association Institute for Public Policy, Roma Center for Intervention and Studies (Romani CRISS), Foundation for Community Development "Together" Association Forum Art Buzau, the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture Buzău, Jugendstil Association - Germany,  HEEDA Association - Hungary, OIKOKOINONIA Foundation - Greece etc.



Projects implemented or ongoing


Title: ROMINKO II (No. 2015-1-DE02-KA204-002455)

Duration: 01 September 2018 – 31 August 2020

Applicant: JugendStil eV. - Germany

Partners: Vox Civica – Romania, HEEDA – Hungary; IED – Greece; FECBOP - France

Financer: National Education Agency for Europe at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education (Germany)

General objective: increasing the access of unemployed people belonging to vulnerable groups, over 35 years, on the labor market by identifying of their abilities and nonformal capacities through a „Bilan de Competences”.

Target group: People from Buzău municipality;

Vox Civica responsibilities: to implement the project at local level.

The stage of the project: ongoing


Title: RomABC – the next dimension (No. 2017-1-DE02-KA204-004217)


Applicant: JugendStil eV. – Germany

Partners: Vox Civica – Buzău (Romania), HEEDA – Kiskunhalas (Hungary); ELLAN PASSE – Athens (Greece);

Financer: National Education Agency for Europe at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education (Germany)

General objective: Increasing of the adult educators´ competences (technical, methodological, personal, social and intercultural in the fields literacy.

Vox Civica responsibilities: to implement the project at local level.

The stage of the project: ongoing


Title: THRIVE (No. 2017-1-RO01-KA104-036256)


Applicant: Vox Civica

Partners: Liceul Tehnologic „Meserii și Servicii” Buzău, Liceul Tehnologic „Dumitru Filipescu” Buzău.

Financer: ANPCDEFP - Romania, through Erasmus+ Program, Key Action 1

General objective: Increasing of the adult educators´ competences (technical, methodological, personal, social and intercultural in the fields literacy, Competence Balance and be enabled to implement according the specific needs of Roma students.

Vox Civica responsibilities: to implement the project.

The stage of the project: completed


Title: A New EntrANCE (No. 2016-1-DE02-KA204-003370)


Applicant: JugendStil eV. - Germany

Partners: Vox Civica – Buzău (Romania), HEEDA – Kiskunhalas (Hungary); IED – Larissa (Greece);

Financer: National Education Agency for Europe at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education (Germany)

General objective: devolopment of the entrepreneurial spirit among Roma people.

Vox Civica responsibilities: to implement the projectat local level.

The stage of the project: completed


Title: ROMINKO (No. 2015-1-DE02-KA204-002455)

Duration: September 2015 – August 2017

Applicant: JugendStil eV. - Germany

Partners: Vox Civica – Romania, HEEDA – Hungary; OIKOKOINONIA – Greece; FECBOP - France

Financer: National Education Agency for Europe at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education (Germany)

General objective: increasing the access of people belonging to vulnerable groups unemployed people, over 35 years, on the labor market by identifying of their abilities and nonformal capacities through a balance of competences.

Target group: people belonging to vulnerable groups from Buzău municipality;

Vox Civica responsibilities: to implement the project at local level.

The stage of the project: completed


Title: YouthCompass (No. 2015-2-HU02-KA205-000935)

Duration: September 2015 – August 2017

Applicant: HEEDA - Hungary

Partners: Vox Civica – Romania, JugendStil eV. – Germany, FECBOP - France

Financer: Hungarian National Agency

General objective: increasing the access of young people belonging to vulnerable groups, to 25 years, on the labor market by identifying of their abilities and nonformal capacities through a balance of competences.

Target group: young people belonging to vulnerable groups from Buzău municipality;

Vox Civica responsibilities: to implement the project at local level.

The stage of the project: completed


Title: RomABC goes Europe (No. 2015-1-DE02-KA204-002381

Duration: September 2015 – August 2017

Applicant: Kontakte fur Europa - Germany

Partners: Vox Civica – Romania, HEEDA – Hungary;  IEBA – Portugal (Germany)

Financer: National Education Agency for Europe at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education

General objective: Reduction of the number of functional illiterates among adult Roma.

Target group: Roma people from Buzău municipality;

Vox Civica responsibilities: to implement the project at local level.

The stage of the project: completed



Title: Community center of resources for Roma people in Cândești

Duration: May 2015 – April 2016

Applicant: Vox Civica Association

Partners: Buzău County Council, Vernești Local Council, the Institute for Public Policy - Bucharest

Financer: Norway funds, through Civil Society Development Foundation

General objective: decreasing the dropout among students from disadvantaged families, including Roma students; the services provided by the project for thr students was: after school activities - educational support for do their homework and many other extracurricular activities, providing school supplies, clothes, ;

Target group: students from disadvantaged families, including Roma students, in risk of dropout in Cândești community;

Vox Civica responsibilities: to implement the project together with it partners.

The stage of the project: completed


Title: Empowering roma voters from Buzău County

Duration: January 2014 – December 2014

Applicant: Vox Civica Association

Partners: Pro Democrația Association – Bucharest;  Journalist of Buzău Asociation

Financer: Open Society Foundation - Budapest

General objective: to increase the level of turnout to the elections of disadvantaged people from Buzău County (in 2014 in Romania was organized two rounds of election: euro-parliamentary election in May and parliamentary election in November).

Target group: disadvantaged voters from Buzău County – Buzău and Râmnicu-Sărat municipalities;

Vox Civica responsibilities: to implement the project together with it partners.

The stage of the project: completed


Title: Centres for educational support „Chave Zurale”

Duration: September 2010 – August 2013

Applicant: Romani CRISS

Partners: Vox Civica Association - Buzău, Generația 2008 Association – Brașov;  Kethaness Asociation - Giurgiu

Financer: European Comission within European Social Fund (POSDRU)

General objective: decreasing the dropout among poor students; the services provided by the project for poor students, including Roma students was: after school activities - educational support for do their homework and many other extracurricular activities, providing school supplies, clothes, shoes and a dietary supplement,  the attendance of the students to two school camps for socialize and to know each other better.

Target group: poor students, including Roma students, in risk of dropout, in four region of Romania;

Vox Civica responsibilities: to implement the project in the South-East region of Romania.

The stage of the project: completed


Title: Together on the labour market

Duration: October 2010 – September 2013

Applicant: Roma National Agency

Partners: Fondacion Segretariato Gitano – Spain; Vox Civica – Romania

Financer: European Comission within European Social Fund (POSDRU)

General objective: increasing the access of people from vulnerable groups to the labour market; the services provided by the project for those people was: training in crafts requested by the labour market, councelling activities for an easier acces to a job, support for completion of the studies through activities of type „The second chance”.

Target group: unemployed people from vulnerable groups; Roma young people who did not complete their mandatory studies.

Vox Civica responsibilities: to implement the project in the South-East region of Romania.

The stage of the project: completed


Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Renforcement des compétences
 Innovation sociale
 Éducation et formation
 Apprentissage des adultes
 Mobilité des jeunes
 Développement de projets
 Gestion de partenariat
 Gestion d'entreprise
 Développement des affaires
 Droits de l'homme

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