horizon audits
We are auditors who each have more than 15 years of experience in audits of EU funds through numerous first level controls and many EC audit framework contracts in a Big Four audit firm based in Brussels, at the core of the EU institutions. With Horizon Audits, we aim to combine the best of both worlds: offering a tremendous expertise in all kinds of EU funds at sharp fees for a large variety of grant beneficiary types. As we are a small firm, we have no overhead costs that need to be charged to you, like is the case at big audit firms.
We meet the specific certification requirements imposed by the European Commission, the Directorate-Generals, Executive Agencies and EU bodies or partnerships on auditors that are qualified to perform audits and related assignments of EU grants.
We are taking a truly unique position in the EU audit landscape as we are the only audit firm that is exclusively focussed on the audits and consultancy of EU funds. Other audit firms offer a wide variety of services and have often no experience at all with EU audits or it is just one of many services they have. We are completely independent and have no interest in selling you other services like many audit firms try to do.
- Audits and certifications;
- External Audits preparation and assistance;
- Project accounting and reporting assistance;
- Financial monitoring.