German M Fajardo Muriel
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German Fajardo Muriel holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (B.S.E.E) and a Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) in Telematics (Telecommunications and Information Technology) both from the Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá - Colombia), a postgraduate degree in Management and Business Administration (MBA) from Northeastern University (Boston - USA), certifications in Communications Project Management from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá - Colombia) and Web Design & Authoring from RMIT University (Melbourne - Australia).
He has more than 33 years of professional experience. Currently, Mr. Fajardo is President and CEO at Ohmtel Ltda. Previously, he held technical, commercial and management positions in public and private owned companies and has participated as Member of the Board of Directors of companies in the telecommunications sector (operators, research centers, services providers, among others), in the oil sector (distributors of products derived from oil and gas), in Public-Private Partnerships (for the provision of telecommunications services, fiber optic deployment using energy infrastructure and operation of satellite services in the Andean Community), as well as in non-for profit international organizations.
In the telecommunications and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector his areas of expertise, amongst others, included: management, planning, design, deployment and optimization of telecommunications networks (fixed and mobiles); management, planning and valuation of radio spectrum; due diligence of telecommunications companies; technical and operational assessment of fixed and mobile networks; technical and commercial arbitration; business continuity and disasters recovery planning; structuring and implementation of business plans and cost models of networks and services; policy and regulatory guidelines and strategies; strategic consultancy and project management; negotiation of interconnection network agreements; negotiation for acquisitions of equipment, goods, services and infrastructure; definition of strategies for RAN sharing of mobile networks; number portability; design and deployment of new business opportunities and services; implementation of technology driven and innovation projects; and national connectivity plans.
In the energy, oil and gas industries, Mr. Fajardo has professional experiences in the design and implementation of power transmission and electric distribution utilities networks; on marketing, commercialization and non-exclusive distribution in Colombia of industrial lubricants and fluid insulators for turbines and electrical equipment (produced by Repsol YPF, renowned international petroleum, oil and gas Company). Also, within these industries Mr. Fajardo has managerial experiences, particularly as Member of Board of Directors of the following companies of the Organización Terpel S.A., (Colombia's largest gas and oil marketer and distributor): Terpel del Centro S.A; Terpel del Norte S.A, Terpel del Sur S.A, Terpel Occidente, Terpel Bucaramanga S.A, Terpel Sabana S.A. and Terpel Antioquía S.A.
In the research, development and innovation (R+D+I) area, Mr Fajardo has been actively involved with technology driven projects and initiatives managed by international organizations, associations and working groups for the advancement of the technology, the evolution and the innovation in the telecommunications and ICT industries, amongst them the International Telecommunication Union (as expert for developing the “Colombian Radio Spectrum Management Handbook” and as a participating member of some standardization groups), the European Commission Research & Innovation (as independent expert), the European Future Internet Alliance - EFIA (as participant Member), Europe Unlimited S.A (as coach as expert reviewer to assist the review of future Internet technology innovative business and project profiles throughout Europe) and Internet Society (as Steering Committee Member of the Chapters Advisory Council and participant at other initiatives to strengthening the Internet globally).
He has been delegated by the Director of Communications of Colombia’s ICT Ministry (MINTIC) as an external national expert to represent this Ministry in the meetings, held at International Telecommunications Union (ITU) headquarters in Geneva – Switzerland, between ITU and MINTIC for the developing of the Project “Colombian Radio Spectrum Management Handbook”. He has been also nominated by Colombian Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (CRC) as a Telecommunications Expert to resolve arbitration of interconnection disputes between incumbent operators and newcomers. Also he has participated as Telecommunications Expert in arbitration tribunals processes related to interconnection disputes between operators and commercial disputes between mobile operators and resellers.
He has been Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE (since 1991), Member of IEEE Communications Society - COMSOC (since 1993), Global Member of the Internet Society - ISOC (since 2011), and founding member of the Internet Society Colombia Chapter (since 2018). He represents OhmTel Ltda as a participant Member of the European Future Internet Alliance - EFIA, and the Global Encryption Coalition. In September 2014 he was recognized by the IEEE as a "Senior Member", the highest professional degree of the IEEE in recognition of his professional experience, contributions and successful projects.
He has been working as a strategic consultant in telecommunications since 1998 and has carried out and participated in numerous specialized consulting projects in Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Dominican Republic and Trinidad & Tobago.
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