Gelu Florea

: 3 janv. 2021

Recherche partenariat En recherche de financements
A propos

SIS, process control, safety and security systems integrator In Romania and abroad has 30 years experience in R&D projects. Based on a valuable permanent team with one Professor, 4 Ph. D. Engineers in systems engineering, 5 master of science but also by a strong partnership with Politehnica University of Bucharest and National Institute for Informatics, cover various area from health, environment to energy efficiency, production and distribution, control and automation, software and systems, new technologies; data mining, analytics, modelling, simulations, real time and big data


  1. Fields of competency


  1. Design
  2. Documentation for permit and authorization
  3. Assembling
  4. Execution
  5. Factory Acceptance Test
  6. Instalation
  7. Teaching/ training
  8. Software development:
  1. Process Analysis
  2. System and functional Analysis
  3. Configuration Specifications
  4. Software Configuration/Programming
  5. Conception and development methods, ressources and test tools
  6. Validation
  7. Implementation
  1. Site Acceptance Test
  2. Maintenance
  3. Migration
  4. Up-grade
  5. Research and development


  1. Activity areas


  1. Process control Systems
  1. Distribution Control Systems- DCS
  2. SCADA
  3. Machinery/Equipment Automation
  1. Safety Systems
  1. SIS - Safety Instrumented Systems
  2. Fire&Gas Systems
  1. Fire detection and alarm Systems
    1. Gas detection and alarm Systems
    2. Automated Estinguishing Systems
    3. Automated intervention Systems(protection, interlock, Emergency Shutdown Systems ESD)
    4. Alert Systems(nurse call, evacuation,guidance)
  1. Security Systems
  1. Anti-intrusion Systems
  2. Acces control
  3. CCTV
  4. Cybersecurity
  1. Real time information Systems
  1. Building/Facility Management Systems
  2. Energy efficiency solutions
  3. Asset Management Systems
  4. Multimedia Systems
  5. Timekeeping
  6. Working Space Allocation
  7. Communication



On-going projects:

LIFE Multi-AD 4 AgroSMEs- High performance multiphase anaerobic reactor for agroindustrial wastewater treatment

Smart PdM - A Smart Predictive Maintenance Approach Based on Cyber Physical Systems

Smart Microgrid Controller

Parfait - Personal dAta pRotection FrAmework for IoT

Multi SCALE - Cercetări asupra dezvoltării de materiale avansate şi optimizare multiscalară prin integrarea materialelor nano-structurate în sisteme energetice avansate

PREVENTION- PREdictive maintenance for Valuable ENergy efficiency acTIONs

Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Efficacité énergétique
 Villes intelligentes
 Ingénieur industriel
 Intelligence artificielle

Idées proposées

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