Gasper Juvancic
Recherche partenariat
Technology Park Ljubljana (TPLJ) is a leading national stakeholder in the development of an innovative and knowledge – based entrepreneurship in Slovenia, strategically positioned in the quadruple helix centre for the last 25 years. TPLJ connects science and business, regulators and users through technology transfer, labs, networking and matchmaking, business model development and mentoring programmes.
TPLJ is an innovative tech community of more than 300 companies, uniting entrepreneurs, innovators, and researchers. It is actively developing the Healthday.si community as well as the XR community, the blockchain community, and it is also a part of Diva hub (so called Creative Factory – VR/AR Lab) related to cultural and creative industry (CCI). Through Circular4.0 project TPLJ is building Circular4.0 Alpine Space community. Together with more than 1500 professionals, TPLJ plays an active role in clusters development in the field of ICT, green technologies, health, smart and creative. Many Slovenian blue chips are part of TPLJ’s network, and they contribute to a big share of Slovenian high-tech economy.
TPLJ is also a co-founder of the DIH Slovenia – the central national point for digital transformation on the principle of all-in-one-place in Slovenia and beyond. Through DIH Slovenia TPLJ raises awareness and provides services for the growth of digital competencies, exchange of digital experiences and examples of good practice at local, regional, national, and international level. TPLJ is an active partner to the government and provides the access to data to promote entrepreneurship.
TPLJ is also a partner of the Start – up Initiative Slovenia through which national programs that promote entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial activity are implemented. They are focused on three target groups: such as such as such as such as entrepreneurial teams in the phase of creating an entrepreneurial idea, start – up companies and scale – up companies. In connection with strengthening of start – ups TPLJ organizes annual NEXT ROUND conference, which is the strategic conference and a deal making gathering of start – ups, business angels, venture & innovation leaders from CE Europe[MC1] to accelerate their business and networking potentials.
Mots clés et domaine d'activité:
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Transfert de technologie
Efficacité énergétique
Green Deal
il y a 3 ans
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