GAL del Ducato
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Local Action Groups (LAGs) are made up of public and private partners from the rural territory and include representatives from different socio-economic sectors. They are provided by the European Union Regulation for the local management of rural development programmes. Each LAG elaborates both the Local Development Strategy (LDS) and the Local Action Plan (LAP) for the areas in which it operates and it receives financial assistance to implement LDS by awarding grants to local projects. They are selected by the Managing Authority responsible for the management of the programme at local level.
The Local Action Group del Ducato is a not for profit organization (not performing economic activities on the market and public equivalent body) established in May 2015 with the aim to promote the economic development of Parma and Piacenza territories (Emilia-Romagna Region, North of Italy), acting both as Local Development Agency and Local Action Group according to the LEADER and Community-led local development approaches. The LAG gathers together 31 local partner organizations both public and private in the area (), including 59 Municipalities in the two Provinces (), for a total of over inhabitants and a surface of ,91 square kilometers.
The LDS del Ducato has been approved by the Managing Authority (Emilia-Romagna Regional Government) with the Resolution no. 926 26/01/2016 according to the arts. 34 and 35 of Reg. (EU) No . 1303/2013.
The first months of operation in 2015 of LAG del Ducato (GdD) were almost totally devoted to the preparation of the LDS first and the LAP at a later time, according to the EU Reg. 1303/2013 and the consistent MA rules (Emilia-Romagna Rural Development Programme 2014-2020). For more information on our Strategy please visit the following link ().
In order to fulfill an efficient action as Local Development Agency the GAL del Dutato has appointed 5 staff members following to a public selection procedure. Three of them have more than 20 years of experience on the Leader Programme (since the first programming period) implementation in the territory, several EU programmes and co-financed projects, gained in other organizations, notably in the field of coordination, management and participation to a number of EU projects and more in general in the field of territorial development and cooperation, and also as consultants, advisors and lecturers in EU policies and programmes. The staff members can count on a broad experience in networking, international relations and EU cooperation, also directly with EU main Institutions and Agencies; all of them may easily communicate and work in English and other EU official languages; they are capable to work in a multicultural environment, and pursue a bottom-up approach with a strong involvement of local communities including a permanent activities of listening the needs of the territories they serve.
The GAL del Ducato adopts a strict managerial system compliant with the EU Reg. 966/2012 and the ESI Funds, including public procurement procedures having to deal on a daily base with EU funds for rural development.
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