In general terms, the main areas of interest and work are related to the actions foreseen by GdD Local Action Plan, divided in two macro-areas, notably:
• Agriculture and rural development
o Agri-food products:
Production, processing and transformation
Logistics, distribution, marketing and selling of small productions
o Sustainable management of forests:
Forest certification
Multifunctional forest use:
• New technologies for fruition monitoring, security
• Recreational, educational, adventure forests
• Restore of artifacts to be used for reception and shelter points
• Certification and promotion of hunting meat
• Undergrowth products of forests - mushrooms, chestnuts, etc.
• Green jobs
• Tourism
o Promotion and marketing of the territory
o Valorization of cultural, religious, excursion and tourist itineraries ( Abbots, Francigena, Longobards, San Colombano ways, etc.) and other aspects linked to them ( cultural goods along the ways, links to international networks, sports and other kind of events linked, etc.)
o Tourist initiatives, accommodation capacity in rural areas
o Social innovation and cooperatives of community
o Restoration of public buildings for cultural, artistic, creative, educational, nature activities // rural /urban regeneration
o Organization of cultural and artistic events
Moreover, GAL del Ducato and its members are interested in developing also the following topics:
• Development of potential of rural areas, also in an economic and tourist perspective
• Reconversion and regeneration of rural cultural heritage, often abandoned ( public/private/artisan/industrial buildings, parishes, etc.), as new economic, social, tourist development opportunities for local communities
• Measures to contrast rural depopulation
• Parks
• Castles
• Create better mobility connections between the city and the provincial/external sites and between different areas in the province to reach tourist / natural sites such as castles, parks, etc. as a way for citizens to improve the quality of their life and promote the knowledge of the territory ( cycling, walking, bus-shuttle connections, etc.)
• Energy, energy efficiency, renewables sources
• Thermal tourism
• Culture
• Longobard culture
• Religious itineraries, pilgrimages welcome and accommodation capacity in rural areas
• Geological areas
• River contracts
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