fatemeh loni
14 avr. 2023
Recherche partenariat En recherche de financements
A propos
Our SME specializes in undertaking various projects aimed at enhancing agricultural practices, promoting sustainable resource management, and advancing education and research initiatives. With expertise spanning soil and water management, plant nutrition, and climate change mitigation, we disseminate our research findings through diverse channels, including training programs, seminars, and conferences, to benefit stakeholders across sectors. Our overarching goals include fostering efficient water usage, optimizing soil productivity, addressing climate change impacts, and conducting socio-economic analyses to support the sustainable development of agricultural resources.
Mots clés et domaine d'activité:
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Idées proposées
Gestion des déchets
Développement durable
We are currently seeking a university or research institution to collaborate with on EIT Food and Horizon projects. Our goal is to address innovative solutions in the fields of food technology and sustainability.
Lisbon, Portugal
il y a 7 mois
il y a 7 mois
Sécurité alimentaire
Santé des plantes
Green Deal
We are currently seeking a university or research institution to collaborate with on EIT Food and Horizon projects. Our goal is to address innovative solutions in the fields of food technology and sustainability.
Lisbon, Portugal
il y a 7 mois
il y a 7 mois
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