erinda Bllaca

: 13 oct. 2021

Recherche partenariat
A propos

IASC has started as an opportunity for committed human rights practitioners to be engaged through an “out-of-the-box” approach. Considering the actual challenges that civil society sector is facing with its shrinking space and voice, difficulties in maintains profile-oriented intervention, the IASC evaluated that providing a profiled- approach is always welcomed.

And it resulted positive:

  • Within a short period of time, the Institute was accredited as contact and resource centre on issues related to violent extremism. It ensured support by the National Coordinator on VERL and jointly developed a framework program (the first in Albania) dedicated to profiled support to women and children – returned from the conflict zones.
  • It finalized a signed agreement with Albanian General Prisons Directorate (passing vetting of organization staff and programs); granting the free access to monitoring and interviews foreign terrorist fighters
  • It finalized a signed agreement with the Ombudsperson on protecting human rights of communities in need
  • It finalized an agreement with the Agency for the protection of Children rights
  • it finalized a signed agreement with the Albanian State Police (passing vetting of anti-terror, community based and strategic sector);
  • It finalized a curricular manual on terrorist crime investigation, supported by the Albanian Police Academy.

Some agreements are available through IANS facebook page and website ; others may be provided upon request (not all are published due to sensitive information).

IANS/IANS was invited by IRI, Washington to present local stories of success with regards the gender Responsive Budgeting and women empowerment in Albania.

IANS/IASC is actually implementing programs supported by UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, Save the Children, TLAS, US Embassy, ICMP/EU, Dutch Embassy.

Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Coopération transfrontalière

Idées proposées
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