: 12 janv. 2017

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A propos

International exchange network since 2007, ENERGIES 2050 has become, on April 22, 2011, a French non-profit association working exclusively in the public interest. ENERGIES 2050 intervenes in France and abroad on issues related to sustainable development, climate change, and environmental and energy challenges. The non-profit association is committed to the implementation of the Great Transition, whether the energy transition or the setting in motion of a more humane, plural and united society, supporting peace and respectful of the common goods of mankind. To date, ENERGIES 2050 federates citizens, experts and partners of more than sixty nationalities and implements innovative and concrete projects in more than twenty countries. The non-profit organization aims, among other, to replace an energy approach in accordance with the principles of eco-development at the very core of citizen action by promoting energy demand management and the development of renewable energy.

ENERGIES 2050 is currently involved in several H2020, EIE, Erasmus + and Interreg projects.


Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Développement rural
 Économie sobre en carbone
 Développement et coopération
 Développement urbain
 Tourisme durable
 Transport durable
 Arts visuels
 Relations euro-méditerranéennes

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