Ecohydros, S.L.
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Ecohydros SL is an SME focused on environmental consulting, research and assessment, specialized in aquatic ecosystems. It is operating in Spain and other surrounding countries and was founded in 2003 by its 30 years experienced CEO. We allocate substantial efforts to the development and application of better-integrated systems and improved methods to monitor and study inland and coastal waters, adopting innovation as a business driver.
Its central activity is devoted to the water and biodiversity agencies and companies, mainly in the field of monitoring water bodies and aquatic habitats and ecosystems, including all the environmental aspects, from physical to biological elements and the whole ecosystem health as a concept. Other customers are non-governmental organizations, research institutions and companies dealing with water and aquatic biological resources.
The company is located near Santander (Spain) and has an extensive office, lab and field equipment and a balanced professional staff, which includes biologists, engineers and environmental technicians.
Some outstanding activities and projects (both commercial and R&D) of Ecohydros are related with ecological state evaluation, eutrophication, harmful algae blooms, fish assessment and fisheries management, habitat mapping, trophic webs, biodiversity, biomanipulation and the recently launched environmental genetics department incorporating the eDNA as a central topic, emerging as a current innovation and business hot topic for Ecohydros.
There is also a product line of high-tech, advanced and exclusive devices for water quality and aquatic species monitoring and management, such as optical sensors, probes and auto-analyzers, microalgae control systems, fish barriers and guidance electrical systems, remote monitoring systems and eDNA mobile devices.