Daphne Arbouz
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Tillsammans för Sverige (Together for Sweden) is a non-profit social project established in 2011 aimed at combating xenophobia, racism and extremism by promoting interreligious and intercultural dialogue among young swedes. The project is based on promoting and protecting the human rights for all with the aim to show how religious identity can be a ground for both social integration and personal empowerment for young people. Together for Sweden is part of the nationwide organization called ‘Fryshuset’ (The Cold Store) that consist of nearly 50 different social projects targeting young people between the age of 13-26 from all social, cultural, religious and ethnic backgrounds.
We organize exchanges between young people of different backgrounds, have educations for schools, and professionals in various sectors. We have also created the podcast series called Faith, Hope and Prejudice which analyzes society from the perspective of different guests religious and cultural backgrounds.