Daniel Bouyer
6 janv. 2020
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A propos
I am a plant geneticist working on how epigenetic mechanisms impinge on plant development, especially DNA methylation dynamics during reproduction.
We use A. thaliana as a model to study epigenomics, genome organisation and the molecular mechanisms underlying male fertility.
The main project investigates the regulation by DNA demethylation of a putative signaling complex involved in pollen tube guidance in A. thaliana for which we are seeking collaborations with groups specialized in in vivo microscopy of plant reproduction as well as parental interaction during the fertiliation process.
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Idées proposées
Sciences Biologiques
DNA methylation is involved in gene regulation and genome stability in many eukaryotes and it has been shown that DNA demethylation activity is essential for reproduction in plants. We recently identified genes potentially involved in pollen tube guidance that require active DNA demethylation for proper expression and are causative for sterility observed in demethylation mutants. In summary, ac...
Paris, France
il y a 5 ans
il y a 5 ans
Sciences Biologiques
Expertise in in vivo microscopy
Expertise in biochemical interaction of membrane-bound proteins
Expertise in plant genetics outside A. thaliana
Paris, France
il y a 5 ans
il y a 5 ans
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