CRLDS Albania
Recherche partenariat En recherche de financements
Aims and activities of the organisation: “Qendra e Studimeve te Politikave Europiane per Zhvillimin Rajonal dhe Lokal ”:
-The center promote and organize meetings that deal with the topic of regional and local sustainable development in economic, social, cultural and environmental area, as well as relevant policies.
-The center acts as a centre for training and sensibilization for interested individuals and groups, within the scope of its activity. It organizes and promotes seminars, meetings and conferences related to this field.
-The center establishes relationship with local and foreign analogues organization in order to exchange experiences, promote best practices as well as the collection and presentation of case studies of national, regional and local interest.
-The center conducts applied and theoretical research, education and consulting activity in the field of regional and local sustainable development.
-The center promotes and favour the scientific cooperation between albanian and foreign researchers, operating in the development of the analyse sector, assessment of local resources and environmental, cultural and territorial impact, of the development and their compatibility with the European directives and the development indicators formulated at the international level.
The goals and activities of the organization “Centre for European Policy Studies on Regional and Local Development, is created through the decision no. 748, dated of Tirana District Court. The objective of the center: Conduct studies and development of a network of cooperation and information exchange multi-leveled policy of regional and local development in the territory of Albania (in the context of Balkan, Mediterranean, European and global).
1-To create a center of meetings and exchanges of knowledge, opinions and information between operators and researchers to the development of local and regional order to develop a learning community on topics of regional and local development.
2-To promote cultural initiatives, studies and research and to guide continuous education in the field of regulation of the development of the territory under European perspective
3-To activate network of relations and strengthening of social capital involved and interested in local development through an action of networking between different typologies of local institutions.
4- Transmit knowledge and models of interpretation of local development dynamics that characterize our country and the system of SME-s and their mode of regulation, interpersonal network through typical for non-profit organizations, thus contributing to the production of knowledge as the public good.
We feature such objectives Centre will organize conferences and seminars, training courses, perfection and update: promoting yourself and other research centers, research laboratories, promoting and participating in projects such purposes, shall publish documents and studies, will gather information and make it circulate and will give impetus actualization of joint actions to achieve its goals. Centre may accede to initiatives consistent with its social purpose in cooperation with public and private entities, domestic or foreign, including universities.
Mots clés et domaine d'activité:
Accédez au prémier réseau pour la cooperation européenne
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Pour accéder à toutes les informations disponibles
Renforcement des compétences
Innovation sociale
Développement durable
Protection environnementale
Villes intelligentes
Éducation et formation
Mobilité des jeunes
Politique de cohésion
Coopération transfrontalière
il y a 5 ans
Renforcement des compétences
Économie numérique
Industries créatives
Coopération transfrontalière
il y a 6 ans
Entrepreneuriat et PME
Renforcement des compétences
Protection environnementale
Éducation et formation
il y a 8 ans
Développement durable
Protection environnementale
Éducation et formation
il y a 8 ans
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