Brendan O'Mainnin
16 janv. 2020
Recherche partenariat En recherche de financements
A propos
Co-Founder of ClinTex, a solution provider to the pharmaceutical industry, and the team behind CTi – Clinical Trials Intelligence: a new type of software platform aimed at transforming the medicine development industry through the application of predictive analytics, machine learning, and the novel use of blockchain technology and smart contracts in clinical trials.
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Essais cliniques
ClinTex are looking for partners and interested parties to work with us on the build and testing of CTi – Clinical Trials Intelligence, a clinical trials collaboration and data analytics platform that leverages the benefits of distributed ledger technology (blockchain), machine-learning and AI to drive significant quality and operational improvements in the running of trials; the sha...
il y a 5 ans
il y a 5 ans
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