Best Cybernetics
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Best Cybernetics is a private-owned design & software development company based in Greece, with expertise in creating educational & business digital tools. Our company specializes in the development of custom web-based solutions and mobile applications based on specific requirements, such as training programs, high quality e-learning content for online trainings, and multimedia productions such as animated videos. We also have extensive expertise in branding and digital marketing of various projects.
Our goal is to develop digital solutions for the Education, Training and Business sectors, so that today's digital needs are available and accessible to all. The company addresses the following fundamental needs of educational institutions, businesses, and youth organisations:
- Development of technical skills enabling them to compete in the knowledge-based economy.
- Facilitate the transition from University and/or Vocational education to the industry.
- Promoting partnerships between Vocational education schools and businesses.
- Enhance learning and performance by using ICT.
- Use New technologies and Sport for turning friendship and communication into strong bonds between the European nations and into improving human relationships
- The cultivation and advancement of new technologies, their joining with Education, Youth, and Culture, as well as the exploitation of Internet’s capabilities on educational, cultural, and youth issues.
Mots clés et domaine d'activité:
Accédez au prémier réseau pour la cooperation européenne
Se connecter
Créer un compte
Pour accéder à toutes les informations disponibles
Entreprises et industrie
Applications informatiques
Éducation et formation
Culture numérique
Horizon Europe
Union européenne
Humanités numériques
il y a 1 an
Fonds Asile, Migration et Intégration (AMIF)
Horizon Europe
Union européenne
il y a 2 ans
Éducation et formation
Apprentissage des adultes
Gestion de projet
il y a 3 ans
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