Asociación de Personas con Discapacidad Intelectual NIÑOS CON AMOR

: 17 oct. 2017

Recherche partenariat En recherche d'un consultant En recherche de financements
A propos

The NIÑOS CON AMOR Association serves People with Intellectual Disability in adulthood.

At present, the Association serves 107 people with disabilities. These people are in day centers and perform activities to improve their quality of life.

In addition, work will be undertaken to implement inclusion activities, actions to promote autonomy, promote self-determination and implement full integration.

In the centers, there are people from the age of 21 to 65 and therefore it is necessary to look for activities for such a wide range of ages.

Therefore, we are looking for entities, partners and collaborators that encourage the exchange of people, professionals and users to improve good professional practices.


Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Innovation sociale
 Affaires sociales et inclusion
 Personnes defavorisées
 Services volontaires européens
 Fonds social européen (FSE)
 Financement participatif
 Levée de fonds
 Social et Bien-être

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