Alexandr Belenchuk
22 mai 2020
Recherche partenariat En recherche de financements
A propos
I am leading researcher at Institute of Nanotechnology, Republic of Moldova.
Our group activity is directed on the development of a new strategy for resolving the main issues that hampers practical application of thermochromic smart windows based on metal-to-insulator transition in VO2
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Idées proposées
Smart windows based on VO2-TiO2 superlattices embedded a polycristalline coating
Institut de recherche
Efficacité énergétique
Nanotechnologie et nanosciences
We suggest to apply the process of spinodal decomposition to create strained VO2-TiO2 superlattices within a polycristalline thin film to improve simultaneously transition temperature, luminous transmittance and switching behaviour.
Chișinău, Moldova
il y a 4 ans
il y a 4 ans
Efficacité énergétique
Nanotechnologie et nanosciences
Energy efficient smart windows on the basis of strained VO2-TiO2 nanocomposite coatings with enhanced optical properties and switching behaviour
Chișinău, Moldova
il y a 4 ans
il y a 4 ans
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