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Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University which was established in 1992 is a relatively young but developing university with its 4 institutes, 21 faculties, 3 schools, 16 vocational schools, and 47 research and application centers. Within its associate, undergraduate and post-graduate degree programs, the university provides education and research opportunities for its students in many fields ranging from medicine to information technologies and from maritime to engineering fields. As of 2021-2022 Academic year, with its 1772 academic and 781 administrative staff, the university serves 42817 students in 408 programs.
Mugla Sitki Kocman University fosters outstanding graduates employable nationally and internationally through comprehensive higher education and learning provided by the leadership of its academic staff and scientists constantly contributing to the universal knowledge production and social prosperity with innovative research, and aspires to become a World Class University serving the humanity by higher education and research with its uncompromised pursuit of international standards and to become a pioneer in creating value for the society through its services. In this respect, to reach these goals, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Universtiy places a great emphasis on language development of its students and attempts to boost its capacity in this sense.
Currently, in all departments of Engineering Faculty, one program in Medicine Faculty, Foreign Language Teaching Departments in Education Faculty, English Literature and Translation and Interpreting Departments in Literature Faculty, Urban and Regional Planning Department in Architecture Faculty, Economics Department in the Economics and Administrative Sciences faculty, Digital Game Design Department in Fine Arts Faculty, Tourism Administration, Gastronomy and Tourist Guidance Departments in Tourism Faculty, the medium of instruction is 100% English. In addition, the university provides language courses in various languages in Latin, French, Russian, German, Persian and Arabic in many other programs.
To keep sustainable language learning activities and courses, a Foreign Language Education School was established in 1992. With its 77 academic staff and 7 administrative staff, School of Foreign Languages helps approximately 1250 students improve their language skills in three languages which are English, German and Turkish as a second language.
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