Agata Kukwa
Since 2011 I’ve helped over 30 early stage brands to enter the market or improve their online performance. In 2012 I joined an awesome team of Black Pearls VC and gained experience on venture capital market as a non-exec. communication director. I also worked as a personal brander improving professional image of managers and scientists.
In 2015 co-founded , an international information service on business and new technologies (successfully exited to Colombian media incubator Espacio in Sept. 2017). I supported the National Centre for Research and Development as an economic expert in evaluating grant applications for innovative R&D projects. Currently working as non-executive Communications Director, Interim Manager and Consultant for tech companies looking for help with internationalization, improvements in brand management and general communications.
I also serve as a Global Facilitator at Startup Weekend, speaker and panelist at international startup, IT and media conferences.
I am willing to share my knowledge and experience for free with others as a speaker or mentor. I performed dozens of speeches on communication, personal branding, teasing investors and entrepreneurship. I spent hundreds of hours mentoring management teams and solving the most urgent problems of several early-stage companies.