Accademia IRSEI APS - Istituto di Ricerca per lo Sviluppo, l'Economia e l'Innovazione
17 nov. 2020
A propos
Accademia IRSEI APS – Research Institute for Development, Economy and Innovation is an International non-profit association founded in Palermo in 2019.
The Institute promotes studies and research in fields such as innovation, technology, economy, education and entrepreneurship. Through our project management activity, we aim to foster individual and community development through the creation of innovative tools in educational and professional fields, pursuing the objective of developing personal and professional skills while encouraging entrepreneurial spirit and promoting social values.
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Idées proposées
Innovation sociale
Tourisme durable
Accademia IRSEI is looking for a coordinator for the project "SPEED - Social Promotion for Elderly Education to Digitalization" . The requested partner should be a training institution or NGO dealing with social inclusion of ageing population/ career guidance and work placement/ digitalisation.
The project aims to promote learning opportunities and ...
Palermo, Italy
il y a 11 mois
il y a 11 mois
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