Objective:The aim is to provide support for a small group of two to four Principal Investigators to jointly address ambitious research problems that could not be addressed by the individual Principal Investigators and their teams working alone. Synergy projects should enable substantial advances at the frontiers of know ...
Scope:ObjectivesThe ERC Starting Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are starting their own independent research team or programme. Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their research proposal. ...
ExpectedOutcome:To address these challenges and opportunities, there is a pressing need to establish a dedicated pilot line for Photonic Integrated Circuits within Europe. This initiative will focus on advancing PIC technologies beyond the current state-of-the-art, particularly extending operational wavelengths from the near-infrared into the visible an ...
Project Overview: This project aims to create a mutual exchange of cultural and artistic skills between disadvantaged adults in Turkey and Europe. Participants will trave ...
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We are looking for partners for the Erasmus + 2025 call
The Challenge
Across Europe, a significant portion of youth are classified as NEETs (not in education, empl ...
Florence, Italy
Bucharest, Romania