We are looking for partners for 4HealthyDanube project in Interreg Danube Programme

il y a 6 ans

DEX Innovation Centre

Non lucratif


Recherche partenariat

Partners requested are pairs of PPs from the same region: Ecosystem builder (or key member of innovation ecosystem – governed by public/private law, who has expertise and also developed access ways to all affected helixes, notably procurers) + Public procurer (with competence to design and eventually also deploy the public service in field of health/social services/reducing environmental footprint. Partner shall also be able to demonstrate interest in sustainable application of HealhyDanubeCities plan).

The general objective of 4HealthyDanube is to improve health and well-being in Danube cities by mobilizing the actors of territorial innovation ecosystems (SMEs, research actors) and upscaling their competences in the addressing of innovative challenges raised through innovative procurement; upscaling the capacities of public administration in design of public services using participative democracy principles, upscaling their knowledge in procuring such services by using innovative procurement including cross-border procuring of innovation and research; and mobilizing citizens to participate through democracy principles in design of innovative public solution in field of health, social services and reducing of environmental footprint. Quadruple helix cooperation is going to be used.

Please send your expression of interest to Petra Polackova:

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