Romanian accredited high-school looking for a mobility accredited partner for this school year

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Petronia Moraru

Education, centre de formation ou école


Recherche partenariat

We are an Erasmus+ accredited school (KA121-SCH) located in Focsani, Romania. Our students are between 14 and 18 years old, the fields of training being theoretical - mathematics and informatics, electricity, electronics, and mechanics.

We are looking for partners to host two groups of ten students aged 14-17 and two teachers for group mobility (5 days).We intend to have two  mobilities in the field of developing digital skills ( for their study and practical applications).

We are willing to host your students for short-term mobility or teachers for job shadowing in partnership (with a theme established by mutual agreement).

If you are interested, please contact us for more details

 Éducation et formation

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