Lumen is interested in being partner of a KA2 Erasmus+ project

il y a 5 ans

Lumen Association

Non lucratif


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Good morning,
I write on behalf of Lumen Association (Italy), which aims at promoting social innovation, education and creativity.
Lumen is very active in non-formal learning and organizes:
- STEAM Education workshops for children and adults (creation of puppets and stop motion, creative robotics, etc.);
- FabLab activities ( production of objectives with 3D printers and laser cutter, etc.);
- social activities ( e-inclusion, also for immigrants or disable people)
- professional qualification workshops ( storytelling, etc.)
- environmental activities (projects on zero impact vehicles, electric mobility, aquaponics, etc.)
- other activities (soft skills development, collaborations with local primary and secondary schools, universities, etc.)

If you are looking for a valuable partner four your Erasmus+ KA2 project (October deadline) or other call for proposals, feel free to contact us!

Among association’s members there are EU Project Managers with experience in Erasmus+, REC, ETC and other European programmes, so we can support you in the development of the project proposal.

 Innovation sociale
 Éducation et formation
 Jeunes travailleurs

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