Invitation to join the partnership for Erasmus + KA220-VET HY-BRIDges: Managing and working in hybrid teams and environments

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Pedro Costa Malheiro

Organisation de soutien aux entreprises


Recherche partenariat

This project aims to find European partners who want to design, train and implement hybrid teams. The aim is to co-create in partnership with a diagnostic tool, training programs and content for hybrid teams, as well as to test it and evaluate the training results in terms of team and individual learning, performance, productivity and satisfaction levels. 

Implications can be identified in at least five critical areas, which shape the professional needs and demands of any human being, and which require a new approach to managing human resources and teams involved in hybrid working environments: Interpersonal Relationships; Performance and Well-being; Technology; Legal and Leadership.


 Renforcement des compétences
 Ressources humaines
 Éducation et formation
 Apprentissage des adultes
 Gestion d'entreprise

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