Interested in a partnership (The Catalonia Institute of Construction Technology)

il y a 6 ans


Non lucratif


Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

ITeC is looking for a projects to be associated in the areas of build & infrastructures and smart cities. The main ITeC’s capacities are:

1. Innovative product assessment and certification to obtain the CE marking. The European Commission recommended to includes this certification in European projects. ITeC works with this capacity in European projects such as HOMESKIN.

2. Data base of construction items (more than ) and BIM elements which modelling projects, simulates different scenarios -taking in consideration the whole life cycle-, manages construction processes and the building maintenance throughout an advanced tool called TCQ.

3. Market research that combines the economic approach with our knowledge of the construction market from the technical, legal, environmental and commercial points of view.

 Industrie de construction
 Matières premières
 Efficacité énergétique
 Villes intelligentes
 Innovation & Recherche
 Génie civil
 Actions innovantes urbaines
 Internet des objets (IoT)

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